Form - Managing forms

Creating a form

Adding questions

Adding responses

Setting up rules

Editing form settings

Sending emails on successful entries

Once you set up a template and set the proper admin settings the form plugin will automatically send out emails each time it receives a successful entry with a valid email address.

To set up the template and the settings:

  1. Create an email template. You can use {{formentry}} in the email which will be a reference to the current successful entry. Make sure to put all form entry success email templates into a single, unique folder. Any unrelated email templates should be elsewhere.
  2. Copy form.conf.ini to the app level conf folder and set the email template folder relative to your view folder for the key form_email_template_folder
  3. Go to each form in the admin and click “Settings”. At the bottom you will now find an option to select a template and set up an address and subject.
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