All template actions (such as displaying a view) are performed through the template library.
No public properties available.
Display a specific template.
If the request contains zaj_pushstate_block, it will reroute to block. See Outlast Framework pushState support for more info.
$this->zajlib->template->show($source_path, $force_recompile = false, $return_contents = false, $custom_compile_destination = false)
@param string $source_path
The path to the template to be compiled relative to the active view folders.
@param boolean $force_recompile
If set to true, the template file will be recompiled even if a cached version already exists. (False by default.)
@param boolean $return_contents
If set to true, the compiled contents will be returned by the function and not sent to the browser (as is the default).
@param boolean $custom_compile_destination
If set, this allows you to compile the template to a different location than the default. This is not recommended unless you really know what you are doing!
@return string|boolean
If requested by the $return_contents parameter, it returns the entire generated contents. Otherwise returns true.
Extracts a specific block from a template and displays only that. This is useful for ajax requests.
If the request contains zaj_pushstate_block, it will display that block. See Outlast Framework pushState support for more info.
$this->zajlib->template->block($source_path, $block_name, $recursive = false, $force_recompile = false, $return_contents = false)
@param string $source_path
The path to the template to be compiled relative to the active view folders.
@param string $block_name
The name of the block within the template.
@param boolean $recursive
If set to true (false by default), all parent files will be checked for this block as well.
@param boolean $force_recompile
If set to true, the template file will be recompiled even if a cached version already exists. (False by default.)
@param boolean $return_contents
If set to true, the compiled contents will be returned by the function and not sent to the browser (as is the default).
@return bool|string
Returns the contents if requested or false if failure.
This function will push the contents of the template to the user as a downloadable file. Useful for generating output like xml, csv, etc. The method will exit after execution is finished.
$this->zajlib->template->download($source_path, $mime_type, $download_file_name, $force_download=true, $force_recompile=false)
@param string $source_path
Path to the template file.
@param string $mime_type
The mime type by which to initiate the download.
@param string $download_file_name
The file name to use for this download.
@param bool $force_download
If set to true, the content will never be displayed within the browser. True is the default and the recommended setting.
@param bool $force_recompile
If set to true, the template will always be forced to recompile. Defaults to false.
Will return the output as an ajax response, setting the appropriate headers.
$this->zajlib->template->ajax($source_path, $block_name = false, $force_recompile = false)
@param string $source_path
The path to the template to be compiled relative to the active view folders.
@param bool|string $block_name
If specified, only this block tag of the template file will be returned in the request.
@param boolean $force_recompile
If set to true, the template file will be recompiled even if a cached version already exists. (False by default.)
@return boolean
Will return true if successful.
Emails the template in an HTML format and returns true if successful.
@param string $source_path
The path to the template to be compiled relative to the active view folders.
@param string $from
The email which is displayed as the from field.
@param string $to
The email to which this message should be sent.
@param string $subject
A string with the email’s subject.
@param string $sendcopyto
If set, a copy of the email will be sent (bcc) to the specified email address. By default, no copy is sent.
bool|array $additional_headers
Any additional email headers you may want to send defined as a key/value pair.
bool|string $plain_text_version
The path to the template to be compiled for the plain text version.
bool|integer $send_at
Unix timestamp of the delayed sending or false if no delay is needed
@return bool
Will return true. Depending on the email gateway implementation it may return false if the email failed.
Returns true if a template file exists anywhere in the available paths based on the source path. Same as $this->zajlib->compile->source_exists().
@param string $source_path
The source path to check for.
@return boolean
Returns true if found, false if not.
Returns an object containing the {{ofw.*}}
built-in variables that are available to the template.
@return stdClass
An object with the zaj variables.